Publications: 2018
- Wang D, Agosto-Perez F, Chebotarov D, Shi Y, Marchini J, Fitzgerald M, McNally KL, Alexandrov N, McCouch S (2018) An imputation platform to enable efficient integration of rice genetic resources. Nature Communications 7: 10532. doi: 10.1038/ncomms10532.
- Kuroha T, Nagai K, Gamuyao R, Wang DR, Furuta T, Nakamori M, Kitaoka T Adachi K, Minami A, Mori Y, Seto Y, Yamaguchi S, Kohima M, Sakakibara H, Wu J, Ebana K, Mitsuda N, Ohme-Takagi M, Yanagisawa S, Yamasaki M, Yokoyama R, Nishitani K, Mochizuki T, Tamiya G, McCouch SR, Ahikari M (2018) Ethylene-gibberellin signaling underlies adaptation of rice to periodic flooding. Science 361:181-186.
- Monteverde, E., J. E. Rosas, P. Blanco, F. Pérez de Vida, V. Bonnecarrère, G. Quero, L. Gutierrez, and S. McCouch. 2018. Multienvironment Models Increase Prediction Accuracy of Complex Traits in Advanced Breeding Lines of Rice. Crop Sci. 58:1519-1530. doi:10.2135/cropsci2017.09.0564
- Halewood, M., T. Chiurugwi, R. Sackville Hamilton, B. Kurtz, E. Marden, E. Welch, F. Michiels, J. Mozafari, M. Sabran, N. Patron, P. Kersey, R. Bastow, S. Dorius, S. Dias, S. McCouch and W. Powell (2018). Plant genetic resources for food and agriculture: opportunities and challenges emerging from the science and information technology revolution. New Phytol 217(4): 1407-1419.
- Rosas, J. E., S. Martinez, P. Blanco, F. Perez de Vida, V. Bonnecarrere, G. Mosquera, M. Cruz, S. Garaycochea, E. Monteverde, S. McCouch, S. German, J. L. Jannink and L. Gutierrez (2018). Resistance to multiple temperate and tropical stem and sheath diseases of rice. Plant Genome 11(1).
- Monteverde E, Rosas JE, Blanco P, Pérez de Vida F, Bonnecarrére V, Quero G, Gutierrez L, McCouch S (2018). Multienvironment models increase prediction accuracy of complex traits in advanced breeding lines of rice. Crop Science 58:1519–1530, doi: 10.2135/cropsci2017.09.0564.
- Uga, Y, Assaranurak I, Kitomi Y, Larson B, Craft E, Shaff JE, McCouch SR, Kochian L (2018) Genomic regions responsible for seminal and crown root lengths identified by 2D & 3D root system image analysis. BMC Genomics 19:273.
- Quero, G, Gutiérrez, L, Monteverde, E, Blanco, P, Pérez de Vida, F, Rosas, J, Fernández, S, Garaycochea, S, McCouch, S, Berberian, N, Simondi, S, Bonnecarrére, V (2018) Genome-wide association study using historical breeding population discovers genomic regions involved in high-quality rice. Plant Genome Advance Prepublication, April 13, 2018, doi:10.3835/plantgenome2017.08.0076 .